The Wasted Lands Initial NFT Offering (INO) details

  • Quantity: 2,500 warrior packages sold on Infinite Launch

  • Package type: 4 types of package, namely Plastic package, Steel package, Silver package, Gold package.

  • Total BNB sold: 660 BNB

  • Package allocation and price: Mentioned in the following table.

To get inspired and better visualize for those packages, click here

Participants: Each participant eligible to join the INO will have to meet one of the following conditions:

  • ILA Tier. In case you have not achieved any tier, click the following link to lock $ILA and gain your tier.

  • Holders of NFT Bony. In case you have not owned one, you can buy one NFT from here.

  • Participants who have completed the whitelist form from Gleam at this link: can buy a maximum of 1 package per whitelisted address.

Package Distribution

  • There will be 01 pool available during the INO.

  • In the first hour, participants achieving ILA Tier and/or Bony NFTs holders will have privileged access to the pool to buy first.

  • After 01 hour, participants getting whitelisted from Gleam can access the pool and buy until the pool ends.

  • Tentative time: 12:00 PM UTC, 12th Dec 2021.

  • For more information and to get updated, please follow the official telegram channel of Infinite Launch.

Last updated